Monday, June 22, 2009

So I went to Motherhood Maternity and bought a stupid belly brace. It disgusts me that I have been reduced to wallowing in self-pity. Does anyone have any idea how to make this child stop hurting me? The brace has helped but I am not looking forward to wearing it for 10 more weeks! It itches and it has so many parts to it that it takes 10 minutes to just put it on. Then you spend the whole day adjusting it. Totally not fair. What happened to the easy pregnancy where you just did what you did and then the baby just popped out and you kept doing what you do? I think I want that one back!!!

I take it back!

Joe has helped me out so much! I am sorry that I criticized his lawn mowing ability. Granted he did not do it the way I do it, but he did it. And he did it without complaining and making a big deal. I love you babe! You are trying really hard to make this easier for me!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dr. visits

So a little update as to the hardest pregnancy I have ever had! Okay so it is still a very easy pregnancy. No real complaints other than I am not invinsible and I cannot do everything! I was doing really well until I went home to Mom and Dad's for the weekend. I mowed thier lawn, with the riding lawnmower, and had cramping and Braxton-Hicks ever since. In fact this whole last week I would suffer through work then come home and lay on my bed and let my kids survive on thier own.

Well I went to the dr. yesterday and I asked him how long this was going to last. He said, "Just keep doing as little as possible and hopefully it will get better." How am I supposed to sit on my butt for two more months? I can barely sit still right now.
Now I have to wait for Joe to mow the lawn, which by the way I have had the job for the last 3 years. AND I have it perfected by the way.
Am I supposed to wait for Joe to help with laundry? And cleaning? SERIOUSLY? We will be living in a house that all of the mess is pushed against the walls, and the laundry will be in a heap in the couch!

I am truly stressed out about this. I am self reliant and really Joe doesn't have a clue how to do these things "right". Which means my way!
In fact I am trying to talk myself out of mowing the lawn right now because it is the first day in forever that it hasn't rained, but I don't know if I want to suffer the consequences of tomorrow?
How do people do this?

PS. I am really freaked out that the baby thing right next to this says that I only have 11 weeks left. Can that be right? I don't think we are ready for this!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

I dedicate this to Rachel's blog

Rachel's blog stated "If found call Rachel". I am looking for something... My short term memory! I have totally misplaced it and everything that goes into that file pile. I am working and I set something aside to do and in less that 5 minutes I cannot remember what I was supposed to do. Now some of you are saying that this alway happens to you, well it does to me too, but usually if I go back to the place where I started I can remember. But I can't remember where I started! Yesterday I left work with a list of at least 5 things that were SO IMPORTANT that I had to go back on my off day to do. So I get up early, get Cole to school, get Bella ready, drive the 30 minutes to school, AND CANNOT REMEMBER WHAT I NEEDED TO DO. We walked around for 40 minutes before I gave up and went home. What a waste of time. I really do hope I remember what was so important before the time comes when it was supposed to be taken care of. So if anyone finds my short term memory with the piles and piles of stuff in it that I have lost please let me know. A note might be best though, that way I can pin it to MY shirt and will know where to find it.
PS. Dad asked me to do some stuff at the house tomorrow, does anyone remember what it is?