Wednesday, April 22, 2009

nesting: To create and settle into a warm and secure refuge.

when I think of someone nesting during pregnancy, I think of someone making their house more organized or redoing rooms, paint, furniture, anything of that sort.

I caught myself nesting today. Yep, me who cannot stand cleaning or laundry or....

On no, don't worry, I didn't actually CLEAN my house. I have been practically living outside trying to clean it! In my head I have been validating myself saying that I am trying to do all of hte yard work before I go back on track, because once I go back to work I will be to tired to do anything. Yeah right. I work 4 hours a day!! No it is nesting!!! Luckily I am not inside doing mundane cleaning and organizing. I have, besides made my little heaven, weed eated? the sidewalk, even though there is no grass growing yet, trimmed all around my house, put up solar lights, weed eated? my weeds next to my house (even though Joe already sprayed them), and my biggest project... CLEAN THE GARAGE
Now for some of you this is no big deal, rearranging a few boxes, or bikes or putting a couple of tools back... My garage is so bad. I spent at least 4 hours just putting things away. No cleaning, no organizing, unless piles on the floor counts, no rearranging things, oh no, just putting things away. And.. I am not finished. Instead of putting our tools away we throw them in a tote. I have this tote to clean out.
I keep denying the nesting bug, but I think I have it. No more excuses! I, Mari, am pregnant and I am nesting. (EWWWWW)


  1. I love it! i was always stuck at work when I wanted to "nest" so I would rearrange to patient gowns, and organize the laundry... stupid things like that!
    Just go with girl....

  2. If you want to nest somemore I have a garden that needs to be planted. LOL just kidding. Best part is when you're finished things will look awesome. And the nesting thing it always hit me at the end of the pregnancy not the middle. I wish it would have hit me in the middle then thing would have been alot cleaner for the end when the baby came. Love ya.
