Saturday, September 5, 2009

I had my dr.'s appt on Thursday where I was told that I was barely a 2 and the head was down a little so I suggested that I be induced that day. My dr. told me a big no, that he wouldn't be around and I said okay when? He told me that I would have to wait until after the holiday weekend and he would schedule it sometime next week if that was okay with me. What does sometime next week mean? Tuesday, or Friday? Did I really have a choice? So I decided that it would be okay because for sure I would have my baby by the due date, cause that is what is supposed to happen isn't it?

What is a due date? It is supposed to be the date in which your baby that you have been carrying for the last 40 weeks comes to you painfully yet joyfully. So what happens when your due date is a crock? A Joke? A number which is there to torture you?
Welcome to my sweet attitude toward due dates.

I still think that they should give you an estimated time range in which your baby might come, but when they give you a date, it is a final number isn't it. Isn't it the number in which you count down to? What happens when you count down to that number and nothing happens.... Then what? You start over? You count backward? You curl in a ball and cry?

So you want to know what I did on my due date? I did not hold my sweet baby in my arms while we tried to adjust to breastfeeding and sleeping and two other kids needing attention. I finished a book, took a shower, did laundry, forced Joe and kids to go to Cabellas for something to do, came home, tried to mow the weeds (they haven't grown back yet), pulled all my dead corn out, cleaned up the weeds the cement guys left, watched Joe play on the motorcycle, cooked dinner and POUTED!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it Mari!! Sorry i was a little slow reading it but i got there. HE is here now and cute as ever!! Love you!
