Wednesday, April 29, 2009

food for thought

so food for thought...

How is it that all winter when I did not have a volleyball stuck between my boobs and my hips all I wanted to do was sit and watch tv, blog, and try as hard as I could to do nothing at all?
Now that I have a volleyball you know where I cannot sit still, I cannot focus on watching tv, and when I should be wanting and able to eat crap food I DONT WANT TO!!!

I am not capable of sitting and doing anything, in fact I have to force myself to blog this because I cannot even spend 5 minutes doing this!!

OMG and HELP!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

nesting: To create and settle into a warm and secure refuge.

when I think of someone nesting during pregnancy, I think of someone making their house more organized or redoing rooms, paint, furniture, anything of that sort.

I caught myself nesting today. Yep, me who cannot stand cleaning or laundry or....

On no, don't worry, I didn't actually CLEAN my house. I have been practically living outside trying to clean it! In my head I have been validating myself saying that I am trying to do all of hte yard work before I go back on track, because once I go back to work I will be to tired to do anything. Yeah right. I work 4 hours a day!! No it is nesting!!! Luckily I am not inside doing mundane cleaning and organizing. I have, besides made my little heaven, weed eated? the sidewalk, even though there is no grass growing yet, trimmed all around my house, put up solar lights, weed eated? my weeds next to my house (even though Joe already sprayed them), and my biggest project... CLEAN THE GARAGE
Now for some of you this is no big deal, rearranging a few boxes, or bikes or putting a couple of tools back... My garage is so bad. I spent at least 4 hours just putting things away. No cleaning, no organizing, unless piles on the floor counts, no rearranging things, oh no, just putting things away. And.. I am not finished. Instead of putting our tools away we throw them in a tote. I have this tote to clean out.
I keep denying the nesting bug, but I think I have it. No more excuses! I, Mari, am pregnant and I am nesting. (EWWWWW)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This morning I really felt the baby kick. Before I could feel the movement every once in a while, but this morning it was going on for a long time. I really missed that feeling and can't wait till it happens alot, comfortably. And then.... the ones that really hurt where you feel that the baby is trying to pop that balloon they are living in just to get a little more room!

I am surprised by a thought/feeling that I had this morning. I was doing errands, driving in the car trying to block out Bella's stories, (that is another story in itself), and I felt sad that my pregnancy is half over. I realized that I only had a few more months to be pregnant. What in the world was I thinking? I was honestly sad that it couldn't last longer. Obviously I am not to the point where everything hurts and moving is impossible. But is it possible that I might still feel this way in two months when it is so hot that I will live in the swimming pool with a popsicle in my mouth?
I have crazy dreams at night, really crazy, but I didn't know that pregnacy creates crazy daydreams too!

Monday, April 13, 2009


I still can't tell what they are, but the baby has to be cute! It is mine!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Here is a picture of me in San Francisco....

I think it worked

3 more days...

Three more days until we do our big ultrasound moment! I am excited but at the same time it really isn't important to find out the sex since I have one of each.... I am interested in looking at the ultrasound to see if everything is all right with him/her.

...Volleyball is my sanity! I feel like crap all day and i fret about whether I will be able to compete in volleyball and whether I should give up and just sit around getting fatter... But then i force myself to get up and go play. I love it. My body loves it! I feel like I am normal for an hour. But then...

i force myself to move at all the next day. I feel like i ran a marathon and I am exhausted and sore and think to myself "why am I doing this to myself?"

I don't know if it is worth it but I will still do whatever I can to have that one hour of normal! (Who cares if it takes 2 days to recover each time)

I am really struggling with how fast my body is showing the pregnancy, I am always checking myself against other pregnant ladies and try to determine how far along they are compared to me. But the only ones I really notice, look like they are nine months along! Do I look like that?