Sunday, May 10, 2009

something tragic happened?

i am not sure how to judge this occurrence at my house. I am still trying to decide if I am justified in the change or if something went terribly wrong.
As you know I sat on the couch with my puking daughter for 3 days straight. After this when she decided to start running around and being 3 again, I couldn't get my butt off of that imprinted cushion! Sitting there did something to my can't hold still motivation. I let my house go, I didn't do anything in my yard, and i whined about how bad I hurt. COME ON! How is it that I feel better after moving continuously for 12 hours a day then when I sit on a padded cushion for that long. Something is so sick and wrong.
It took until Wednesday, when I forced myself to change into vball clothes before i started feeling like myself again. So one vball game later I was on the rampage again!
I have planted a garden, weed eated my yard, mowed half my yard, worked and enjoyed every minute of it. So help me this is absolutely crazzzzy!

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