Wednesday, September 16, 2009


It is such a good thing that newborns are cuddly and make funny faces when they sleep! It so makes up for the endless amount of time that you are up in the middle of the night when you are supposed to be sleeping!

Some nights are good, only up every two hours to nurse then straight back to bed, but then there are those nights, you know those ones, where the sweet smiling angel just looks at you and says with his eyes, "Lets PLAY"!

On one such middle of the night encounter I was walking around the house trying to get him back to sleep, rocking him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear about how tired I was and how wonderful it would be if he would let me go back to sleep, he would screech then stop then do it again. I decided to turn on the light to see what in the world was going on and he stopped screeching and looked at me with the most content look on his face. He wanted to have the lights on so he could PLAY!

I put him in the bouncer and he watched me while I cleaned the kitchen. He was just so content. I was shocked that he went from screeching to absorbing his world. When he was done playing he gave a little squawk and we nursed and he fell right to sleep!

The miracles of Newborns!

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